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Getting to where we are..

For every creative and every sometimes seems like it's a road walked alone..but its not...

We Have a team behind us routing for us every day....

That team that connects the dots and make  everything come together is a combination of our will to persevere, our patience during challenging times when the painting doesn't go as imagined, our materials and mediums and knowing how to use them , when to use them when not to and which ones to use our commitment despite all odds, despite less time we make time.We don't make excuses we are dedicated to our craft.  Our team consists of our skills that are acquired through learning, and unlearning, mistakes and every experience that draws us nearer to our real potential and our team is complete through a never giving up approach. 

Every artist 🎨who becomes one and stays one speaks: 

 I have a vision in my head, I have big dreams in my heart, I have projects that are begging to be in the world. Because they are  my voice in the world they are the mark I leave behind and they make me whole. 

The dream for every creative is to keep becoming the Artist they always are. 


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