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time and opposites

Time is just a measure of particles in motion. To everyone it means something else. One minute to someone is an hour for someone else. When we are doing what we love or with who we love time seems to move fast when in trouble or doing what we do not like it seems to go on for ages. Why is that?......
Time is a perception..a mere contruct to keep order and control.

If we let go of the control...say for one moment, time didn't exist in our minds... how much would we achieve, would we achieve more or less! or the same!....

How we have fit our duties, time lines, appointments, deadlines in our life dictates our reliance on time. It is life for us, if we lose it we lose life. If we master time, we mastered life and everything works well. But for a moment, if we stopped that, society, systems, protocols would be alterclocks moving fast...

Melting Time is inspired by this idea : 

                                Melting Time 
                       Oil on canvas June 2021

What about opposites!Do they really exist? eg. good or bad, hot or cold, light and dark!
The good and bad and in between isn't it just a scale, different phases of the same state eg. good to someone is bad for someone else. Isn't cold just the absence of hot not the opposite of it, or isn't dark just the absence of light not the opposite of it.
 When we reflect on something, have not we brought the past into the present, so what does the present, past future mean? Time is merely an illusion and a concept in our minds to create control in life, yet it controls us in a way because we cannot stop it completely.

When we say time is over for someone..we usually mean in this life. But if time is an illusion then that persons soul can live on in another life. When people say they had a near death experience and went to another realm and came back, what do they really mean? Many near death survivors have reported that they saw white or colored light. Has their body and soul departed from this life and entered another temporarily and then returned.

Perhaps we know little about time and opposites than we think we know. It is definitely an interesting idea and has had me thinking ......

If anyone has any thoughts on this, please feel free to share!


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