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Giving Gratitude & Recognizing Time

Despite the current anxiety and fear around stirred by the Covid-19 crisis, this time there is need to drown out that fear with hope & gratitude- the gratitude that we still exist and have opportunities in our life. Although we do not know how long this pandemic will last for, we must make the time to appreciate what we do have. Life can make us forget that time is not an inexhaustible commodity. 

During this crisis, I have had the opportunity to still work, to paint at home, to keep active via my home weekly exercise routine, cooking and baking to release stress, meditating (which is extremely relaxing for me ) , spending time with my husband at home watching comedy movies together and laughing together, keeping close with relatives via zoom and Skype video calls, journaling and caring for my garden.

Seeing my garden still doing well is giving me constant hope of the future. My vincas, geranium, petunia, marigold ,daisies, hibiscus are doing great happy to say ! And watching them blossom has been a good highlight to the last eight weeks.

I have decided to give a portion of my savings to fight the cause of Covid 19 by donating some cash to the local  relief fund.I'm also looking at ways I can contribute more to being part of the fight against the disease.

May God be with you reading this  and with all of us as we are in this fight together.
May this make us stronger and better when we come out of it and leave every one of us with lessons to learn from and opportunities to prevail in the future when it comes to end and we start a new slate  and begin a better more informed journey in living. By taking it day by day instead if thinking when this will end, I have been able to keep my head away from contemplating the worst and keep my faith awake.

And during covid 19 we are reminder more than ever about the important things in life- health , family ,caring for ourselves and each other. Stocks are low, social distancing is high, the puzzle to find a vaccine is still not found but health is priority & that matters. Let us help each other make the best of our days because all the time we have spent shall never come back and the time we have left is limited. 

It's a stark  wake up call and reminder to us to avoid wasting  any more precious time on what is not important and do what is important -focus on priorities. 

Gift of Time - Oil on Canvas 2020 

If there is a dream wish and goal you are chasing now is the time to make it happen and do what is possible to make it come true. 


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