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Children's Home & an exciting Art Workshop to end the Year!

Happy New Year!...

Thank you to every one of you who has been part of my 2015...I look forward to more memories, adventures and art with all of you!...

It was really a super year and hoping the next is even better!..thanks to all my supporters, friends, readers and art enthusiasts who made 2015 a fulfilling year!...

The year could not have ended on a better note....

I was asked to conduct an art workshop for a local Childrens Home in the suburban area of Nairobi  on 27 December. It really was something I had always wanted to do. It was really a pleasure to conduct it, engage with the children and involve them hands on. Many of them had already studied some art in school which made it easier.

The children varied from age 7 to 18. I was absolutely thrilled to see their enthusiasm to participate. I divided them into groups based on age and asked them to paint based on a particular subject matter eg. sea world, landscape, environment and nature, health and fitness. I had an amazing time seeing their happy faces and many of them had many questions to ask. They all showed eagerness to learn, apply what they knew and also use the materials provided.It was a great experience for me.

 It was a fun-filled and exciting day and I will surely be revisiting the kids this year.


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