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More Landscapes....

With the start of the year has come that special decision to keep painting landscapes I so love!
Inspired by the imagination, the landscapes I have painted in the last few weeks have not only rejuvenated but also thrilled me as to what we can do when we let go and freely do what we love, experiencing every brush stroke  & immersing myself in every colour without thinking too much but rather imagining, feeling and doing....
It is like music stirring in the heart or a dance waiting to unfold.... free of controls where  the process gives way to the outcome:


Dreams, Tranquility and Meadow Flowers
57 cm x 31 cm 

Time ceases to exist and the painting almost paints itself like a dance filled with love and harmony!
Such a feeling and experience is what I live and breathe to have and share...
 Often times words cannot express that feeling but it does stir a lot of emotion and energy to just be.
The landscapes are a reflection of a quest to reach freedom from controls and barriers in our life, be they shackles of the past or inhibitors of the present that prevent us from truly living fully.
Using free will and freely is contagious, moving and shaking what the free soul comes into contact with.
We are all souls within a body and therefore being true to our real self,  gives us the most joy, elevation and direction, to just let go! & be! Today I came up with  a quote that I think fits the idea:
'Tranquility of the heart  and soul allows us to achieve our purpose and so much more than the mind imagined'.


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