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Showing posts from September, 2015

In the Deep Blue....

This month has been an adventurous one. After attending some exhibitions of other Artists, the inspiring has been flowing!... One of the pieces Sea of Colour (sun setting against a night view of sea) was sold during the Art Festival at Kenya Wildlife Service Kenya. The inspiration for In the Deep Blue came from my memory and imagination. I had imagined the ocean & waves hitting the shore,the mixture of soft and rough, strong intense yet small and subtle waves...which reminded me of the diversity within our human race, much like waves,some move fast others move slow, some move with the rhythm and pace of life embracing every moment others do not have the opportunity to see the full potential that life has to offer. The diversity of the human race creates variety, adds colour and depth and also unites yet distinguishes us. Together the ocean could not do without the diversity and range of the waves, such like humans need each other to survive and thrive, and together when we ...

Why I became an Artist?!

Why I became an Artist?! Some say we were born this way others say some life changing experience changes our view and others still say we see the world differently and therefore cannot see ourselves any other way. For a long time and as a child I was moved by shapes and colours, noticing lights,shapes of flowers, stare at the night sky and busy streets, draw objects around my house, I had been filled with the awe for the world around me since I was a child and now it becomes keeping that awe and love alive. So I say we choose to be artists as adults but we are all artists, filled with imagination, joy  and awe as children.  As adults we may undergo life changes and this also has a part to play in our experience and journey in discovering ourself and matching our understanding of ourselves with the reality of who we are.  It is continually a challenge like any other profession or job to be a good Artist. It has its highs,lows and moments of frustration and doubts bu...